Boot Camp Programs are 1 to 2 weeks in duration (virtual or in-person class) depending on client need. Boot Camp programs are designated for entry level credit analysts, underwriters, and relationship managers.
Course Overview – The goal of this comprehensive program is to provide a fundamental understanding of basic accounting and intermediate accounting issues that are pertinent to a lender to understand a company’s financial position. A final exam is included as part of this training.
Topics include:
Understanding the balance sheet, income statement, statement of cash flows, debits and credits, the accounting cycle, difference between cash and accrual accounting, audit opinions, footnotes, and disclosures
Detailing accounting for the income statement components including revenue, revenue recognition principles, expenses, and extraordinary items
Reviewing balance sheet accounting items including inventory methods and their impact on cash flow, property, plant, and equipment, depreciation and amortization methods, intangible assets, purchase accounting, deferred taxes, and capital leases
Providing an overview of shareholder’s equity components
Course Overview – The goal of this comprehensive credit training program is to teach participants how to efficiently analyze a credit and concisely communicate the risks associated with underwriting a credit transaction. A capstone case is included as part of this training program.
Topics include:
Applying a standardized credit analysis framework for Commercial Banking, and practicing the participant’s knowledge through lectures and case studies
Determining the positive and negative characteristics of a prospect or client within its industry, evaluating the potential for success of a company’s strategy, and establishing if management has the capabilities to develop and implement appropriate strategies
Evaluating historical operating performance, constructing cash flow statements, and forecasting cash flow to determine capacity to repay debt
Identifying primary and secondary sources of repayment and structuring the loan with proper affirmative and negative covenants to preserve repayment sources
Recognizing early warning signs of a problem loan and communicating results honestly, consistent with bank’s expectations
Course Overview – The goal of this comprehensive credit training program is to teach participants how to determine the cash flow of individuals, assess risk related to assets, income, and net worth, and make sound lending decisions. A capstone case is included as part of this training.
Topics include:
Identifying the interrelationship of a borrower’s various financial activities as presented on a personal financial statement and a personal tax return
Evaluating the resources available to service debt from individual and business financial statements, trusts, partnerships, and calculating global cash flow for Private Banking
Identifying primary and secondary sources of repayment and determining key credit risks
Underwriting complex personal loans and presenting credit recommendations