Individual Courses are 1 day (virtual class only), 2 to 3 days (virtual or in-person class), or up to 5 days (virtual or in-person class) in duration depending on client need. 

Fundamental level courses are designated for credit analysts, underwriters, and relationship managers with 1-5 years of experience. 

Advanced level courses are designated for credit analysts, underwriters, and relationship managers with 5+ years of experience. 


  • Course Overview – The goal of this course is to teach participants basic accounting concepts and provide a framework for understanding financial statements to help credit professionals assess risk. 

    Topics include:

    • Understanding the basics of accounting including debits and credits, the accounting cycle, audit opinions, and the difference between cash and accrual accounting

    • Providing fundamentals of the three main financial statements including the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement

    • Reviewing revenue and expense recognition concepts including accounting for sales, cost of goods sold, and expenses on the income statement, and accounts 

  • Course Overview – This course is designed to build on the foundational concepts learned in the Accounting Fundamentals course, and it provides more advanced accounting skills necessary to access credit risk for Middle Market, Commercial, and Corporate Banking.

    Topics include:

    • Understanding revenue recognition principles including deferred revenue accounting, percentage of completion accounting, and differences between GAAP and International Financial Reporting Standards

    • Focusing on deferred tax assets and liabilities, plus identification and disclosure of contingent liabilities

    • Learning about the treatment of complex debt and equity issuance, pension accounting, liability assessment, stock options, and deferred compensation

  • Course Overview – The goal of this course is to help participants enhance their communication skills when engaging with clients and prospects to gain trust and enjoy successful business meetings and calling efforts.

    Topics include:

    • Educating participants using company data prior to initial meeting, connecting with clients to gain trust, and listening intently to understand company needs

    • Asking pertinent questions, taking notes, and guiding the conversation toward relevant solutions based on answers provided by client

    • Finding common ground, affirming mutual understanding, responding to objections, agreeing on next steps, and following up in a timely manner with recommendations

  • Course Overview – The goal of this foundational cash flow course is to help participants understand the fundamentals of the primary source of loan repayment, cash flow. Cash flow focuses on the cash impacts by analyzing the income statement and balance sheet. 

    Topics include:

    • Understanding the construction of both direct and indirect cash flow presentations, and the benefits and shortfalls of each method

    • Differentiating between cash flow from operations, cash available for debt service, and cash after debt amortization, in order to understand overall ability to service bank debt

    • Measuring cash flow coverage ratios for capacity to meet future capital expenditures, taxes, and debt service coverage requirements 

  • Course Overview – This course builds on the foundation of the Cash Flow Fundamentals class and helps participants gain a more thorough understanding of cash flow and ability to repay debt.

    Topics include:

    • Analyzing direct and indirect cash flow methods and understanding their strengths and weaknesses, and how to present key findings to credit approvers based on credit risk

    • Constructing both methods of cash flow and understanding the company’s ability to support existing and future operating and financing cash needs

    • Developing forecasts driven by key cash flow drivers, and assessing earnings sustainability in relation to liquidity, leverage, working capital, and debt service

  • Course Overview – The goal of this course is to help participants identify, understand, and manage fundamental elements of credit risk.

    Topics include:

    • Identifying bank loan risk and return, understanding key business risks, and performing fundamental analysis on financial statements

    • Analyzing the fundamentals of the three main financial statements including the income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement

    • Utilizing financial ratios to measure leverage, liquidity, net worth, and cash flow

  • Course Overview – This course is designed to build on the foundation of the Credit Risk Fundamentals class and to gain a more thorough understanding of credit risk concepts.

    Topics include:

    • Reviewing principles of risk and return and performing detailed review of financial statements and financial ratios to understand and articulate key credit risks

    • Determining the respective sources of loan repayment and accessing an appropriate set of financial covenants to protect leverage, liquidity, net worth, and cash flow

    • Understanding complex credits and evaluating collateral, guarantors, and creating financial covenants to protect primary and secondary sources of loan repayment

  • Course Overview – This course is organized into five modules: 1) understanding the framework for forecasting; 2) determining forecast assumptions; 3) developing expected case forecast based on industry, strategy, management, and historical performance; 4) identifying and mitigating key credit risks; and 5) conducting sensitivity analysis. 

    Topics include:

    • Understanding the purpose of different types of forecast analysis

    • Integrating credit risk analysis into scenario development

    • Identifying primary and secondary sources of repayment, and using the forecasts to determine ability to service debt

  • Course Overview – This course helps credit professionals communicate clear, concise, and well-organized credit recommendations. Using case studies, students will practice both verbal and written communication methods so they can clearly articulate recommendations to credit approvers. 

    Topics include:

    • Learning to provide a balanced view of the credit’s strengths and weaknesses and articulate the recommendation with a clear opinion supported by facts

    • Tying loan structure, terms, conditions, and covenants to the dynamics of the business, industry, and management

    • Presenting a forward-looking view of the company’s continuing ability to repay bank debt

  • Course Overview – This course helps participants get behind the numbers when completing financial statement analysis so that they understand the key risks of the credit, the primary sources of repayment, and the capacity of a borrower to repay debt. 

    Topics include:

    • Applying a consistent analytical process to evaluate the income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement 

    • Going beyond trend and ratio analysis to understanding the company’s capacity for ongoing profitability and cash flow, and the resulting ability to service debt

    • Providing conclusions about the strengths and weaknesses of clients and prospects, understanding the overall financial position, and making an overall risk return recommendation

  • Course Overview – This course helps students understand the company’s industry, evaluate the strategy, and determine management’s ability to successfully implement the strategy. Industry, strategy, and management are core qualitative components of the risk profile, and they help determine the ability to repay debt.

    Topics include:

    • Identifying the industry and evaluating the key industry drivers and trends

    • Understanding the strategic objectives that the company must achieve based on industry strengths and weaknesses

    • Evaluating managements’ skills and abilities to implement the necessary strategies to succeed 

  • Course Overview – This fundamental loan structuring course teaches participants how to protect the primary and secondary sources of loan repayment through appropriate structuring of loans. 

    Topics include:

    • Identifying key credit risks and primary and secondary repayment sources as a foundation for understanding how best to structure a bank loan

    • Understanding loan type, collateral, and guarantors to help determine appropriate positive and negative loan covenants for each prospect or client

    • Creating maximum benefit to the bank with a minimum number of loan covenants

  • Course Overview – This course is designed to build on the foundation of the Loan Structuring Fundamentals class and it provides a more advanced understanding of loan covenants. 

    Topics include:

    • Identifying sources of repayment and practicing detailed loan structuring through complex case studies to protect bank loan repayment

    • Understanding customers with advanced debt and equity components and determining which financial covenants provide adequate liquidity, leverage, debt service, and net worth

    • Calculating debt service coverage ratios best suited to protect senior bank lenders within the capital stack and including positive and negative covenants for identified credit risks

  • Course Overview – This course helps participants determine early warning signs for potential problem loans.

    Topics include:

    • Identifying the typical causes of problem loans and the ability to find potential issues early 

    • Determining whether borrower shows a temporary liquidity issue, or a margin deterioration concern that needs to be addressed 

    • Understanding how to recognize problems early, and if necessary - send to loan workout experts for remediation

  • Course Overview – The goal of this course is to provide credit professionals with a fundamental understanding of owner-occupied real estate loans within their credit portfolio.

    Topics include:

    • Understanding and performing sound underwriting of the owner occupant, which is typically the primary source of repayment

    • Examining the appraisal and the three approaches to value: cost, sales, and income, and which value is most prominent depending on the circumstances

    • Providing an overview of Net Operating Income, reserves, debt service coverage ratio, debt yield minimums, and Loan to Value parameters when underwriting real estate loans


  • Course Overview – The goal of this course is to help participants enhance their communication skills when engaging with clients and prospects to gain trust and enjoy successful business meetings and calling efforts. By blending analytical credit skills with proven marketing techniques, the session enables participants to make more effective and productive calls with clients. 

    Topics include:

    • Educating participants using company data prior to initial meeting, connecting with clients to gain trust, and listening intently to understand company needs

    • Asking pertinent questions, taking notes, and guiding the conversation toward relevant solutions based on answers provided by client

    • Finding common ground, affirming mutual understanding, responding to objections, agreeing on next steps, and following up in a timely manner with recommendations

  • Course Overview – The goal of this course is for participants to understand the purpose, structure, and use of trusts as well as how to approach credit analysis when considering lending to trusts.

    Topics include:

    • Understanding key trust forms and schedules and learning how to calculate cash flow

    • Differentiating types of trusts, including grantor vs. non-grantor, and revocable vs. irrevocable, and how trusts are used for estate planning purposes

    • Distinguishing between distributable net income (DNI), Trusts Principal, and Trust Accounting Income (TAI) and how to evaluate primary and secondary sources of repayment for a trust 

  • Course Overview – The goal of this course is to gain an understanding of individual and business entity tax returns and learn how this information can be used in the credit analysis process.

    Topics include

    • How to identify information in the tax return necessary to calculate both individual and business cash flow 

    • Determine the interrelationships of a borrower’s financial activities as presented on tax returns

    • Explain tax implications of pass-through business entities and evaluate cash flow from information presented on the K-1s

  • Course Overview – This course covers how to accurately calculate cash flow from both individual and business entity tax returns and introduces global cash flow.

    Topics Include:

    • Construct and analyze cash flow from individual and business tax returns

    and financial statements, using individual, business, and global cash flow worksheets

    • Determine the movement of cash flow between individuals and business entities, with a focus on distributions, capital contributions, and loans

    • Evaluate global resources available to service debtflow worksheets

  • Course Overview – The goal of this course is to help participants identify, understand, and manage fundamental elements of credit risk.

    Topics include:

    • Identifying bank loan risk and return, business risk, and financial statement quality

    • Analyzing the fundamentals of the three main financial statements including the income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement

    • Utilizing financial ratios to measure working capital, liquidity, net worth, and cash flow

  • Course Overview – This course is designed to build on the foundation of the Credit Risk Fundamentals class and to gain a more thorough understanding of credit risk concepts.

    Topics include:

    • Reviewing principles of risk and return and performing detailed review of financial statements and financial ratios to understand and articulate key credit risks

    • Determining the respective sources of loan repayment and accessing an appropriate set of financial covenants to protect leverage, liquidity, net worth, and cash flow

    • Understanding complex credits and evaluating collateral, guarantors, and creating financial covenants to protect primary and secondary sources of loan repayment

  • Course Overview – The goal of this course is to introduce students to lending to individuals whose wealth is derived from business ownership. The five modules include 1) introduction to credit risk, 2) fundamental credit analysis, 3) critical credit knowledge, 4) loan structure, and 5) client calling

    Topics include:

    • Understanding the 5 C’s of credit, cash flow, and financial ratios

    • Reviewing fundamentals of business organization and structuring loans to individuals

    • Preparing for the client call and exploring credit and additional banking opportunities

  • Course Overview – This course covers how to accurately evaluate assets and liabilities as presented on a personal financial statement.

    Topics Include:

    • Identify the interrelationship of a borrower’s financial activities as presented on a personal financial statement

    • Determine collateral values using estimated advance rates, identify personal liabilities, and calculate adjusted net worth

    • Evaluate personal liquidity through an examination of both the individual’s tax return and the personal financial statement 


  • Course Overview – The goal of this course is to help participants enhance their communication skills when engaging with clients and prospects to gain trust and enjoy successful business meetings and calling efforts.

    Topics include:

    • Educating participants using company data prior to initial meeting, connecting with clients to gain trust, and listening intently to understand company needs

    • Asking pertinent questions, taking notes, and guiding the conversation toward relevant solutions based on answers provided by client

    • Finding common ground, affirming mutual understanding, responding to objections, agreeing on next steps, and following up in a timely manner with recommendations 

  • Course Overview – The goal of this course is to familiarize credit professionals with the risks associated with financing assets, particularly working capital assets

    Topics include:

    • Identifying which transactions classify as asset-based loans, with working capital assets as the primary source of repayment

    • Evaluating and understanding the risks of financing A/R, inventory, and fixed assets

    • Understanding the key role that loan documentation and auditing play in asset-based lending structures

  • Course Overview – The goal of this course is for credit professionals to understand and to improve their business acumen and sales competency of providing treasury management solutions for clients and prospects.

    Topics include:

    • Increasing confidence in the ability to present treasury management solutions, since they often surface during credit discussions

    • Providing the ability to show tangible benefits to clients with cash management products

    • Participating in mock case presentations to improve calling efforts

  • Course Overview – The goal of this course is to provide a comprehensive view, with analytical and diagnostic tools, useful for underwriting when lending on income producing property. This course is designed for those financing investor real property transactions.

    Topics include:

    • Understanding real estate finance vocabulary including net operating income, debt service coverage ratios, debt yield, and loan to value

    • Determining appropriate loan amounts by determining value of property through appraisals, capitalization rates, rent rolls, and tenant credit risk characteristics

    • Understanding construction lending, property visits, site inspections, common real estate covenants, and other protective features used in real estate lending 

  • Course Overview – The goal of this course is to help participants understand the real estate investor/deal sponsor and guarantor, which are important facets of underwriting a successful real estate loan.

    Topics include:

    • Understanding personal financial statements of the real estate sponsor and their overall real estate portfolio, including using detailed techniques for understanding the true asset value and cash flow. This results in evaluating of the sponsor’s overall integrity and creditworthiness

    • Analyzing a guarantor’s assets, liabilities, cash flow, and overall financial position to help provide additional strength to the real estate transaction

  • Course Overview – The goal of this course is to provide an overview of the various methods used to value companies and determine enterprise value.

    Topics include:

    • Advising credit professionals on how to communicate with clients about how company decisions and major events affect market value, and determine enterprise value

    • Understanding advantages and disadvantages of methods used to compute market value including market multiples, balance sheet methods, and discounted cash flow valuation

    • Learning key issues driving cost of capital and the valuation process, including analysis of company sales price under alternate purchase scenarios

  • Course Overview – This course builds on the concepts learned in the Corporate Valuation course and it provides participants with an opportunity to practice and improve the concepts using more complex transactions.

    Topics include:

    • Explaining corporate finance concepts including enterprise value, cost of capital, free cash flow, and (IRR) internal rate of return 

    • Describing appropriate capital structure concepts with respect to a transfer of ownership situation 

    • Demonstrating the ability to communicate complex structuring concepts to a client through mock presentations

  • Course Overview – This goal of this course is to provide credit professionals with an overview of interest rate risk management derivatives products. 

    Topics include:

    • Describing key features of common interest rate risk and foreign currency risk products

    • Comparing and contrasting risks and benefits and determining appropriate products to discuss in general terms with clients

    • Understanding when to include strategic partners with derivatives expertise for proposal

  • Course Overview – The goal of this course is for participants to understand lending to upstream and midstream energy companies, with an emphasis on the analysis of cash flow to amortize the energy loan.

    Topics include:

    • Understanding the bank’s exposure limit and risk tolerance for energy portfolio exposure as well as understanding the development of oil and gas from geology to production

    • Learning the mathematics of oil and gas, including working interest calculation, royalty interest, net revenue interest, and engineering reports

    • Structuring loans appropriately to mitigate risk through financial analysis, sizing reserve based revolving credit amounts, setting standard maturity dates, estimating economic reserve life and reserve tail tests, understanding 3rd party engineering reports, and covenants applicable to the energy loan

  • Course Overview – The goal of this course is to provide participants with an understanding of key principles which underlie corporate value creating strategies, sources of capital and capital structure, and how these principles can be applied to bank clients.

    Topics include:

    • Understanding the fundamentals of corporate finance and the application of these concepts to value creation strategies for bank clients

    • Applying corporate finance concepts to corporate restructuring and transition of company ownership

    • Identifying opportunities within corporate finance for clients and knowing when to get experts involved in the discussion

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