Corporate Finance

Participants develop the skills necessary to be a productive small business lender including teaching a lender to analyze the capacity of the individual to generate recurring cash flows and determining the true value of the individual’s assets and liabilities.

Corporate Finance

Participants develop the skills necessary to be a productive small business lender including teaching a lender to analyze the capacity of the individual to generate recurring cash flows and determining the true value of the individual’s assets and liabilities.


  • Corporate Valuation: A Tool for Corporate Credit Professionals
Corporate Valuation: A Tool for Corporate Credit Professionals
Course Overview This course focuses on how company decisions and actions influence value and how financial advisors can use corporate finance techniques to create bank marketing opportunities.  The training provides an overview of the various methods used to compute company value, including advantages & disadvantages of market multiples, balance sheet methods, and discounted cash flow valuation. 

After completing this training, participants should be able to: 

  • Explain the methods of valuing companies and determine enterprise value
  • Communicate effectively with clients about how business decisions and events affect value
  • Identify solutions and strategies for transfer of ownership
  • Recommend ways the bank can help clients meet their personal and business objectives. 
Target Audience Experienced credit analyst, underwriter, or relationship manager.  Participants should have a strong foundation in financial statement analysis and cash flow analysis.
Duration 2 days

  • Applying Corporate Finance Concepts
Applying Corporate Finance Concepts
Course Overview This training builds on Corporate Valuation course to provide participants with an opportunity to practice and master the concepts using more complex transactions. The class includes mock client presentations using the previously introduced concepts.

After completing this training, participants should be able to:

  • Explain corporate finance concepts to include enterprise value, cost of capital, free cash flow and IRR concepts
  • Describe appropriate capital structure concepts with respect to a transfer of ownership situation
  • Demonstrate ability to communicate concepts to a client
Target Audience Experienced credit analyst, underwriter, or relationship manager.  Participants should have completed the Corporate Valuation course.
Duration 2 days

  • Fundamentals of Interest Rate, Currency, and Derivatives Risk
Fundamentals of Interest Rate, Currency, and Derivatives Risk
Course Overview This course teaches the fundamental analytical processes behind interest rate risk management derivatives products. It covers the credit risk inherent in these products as well as the benefits to the bank and customer from the use of derivative products. 

Participants learn the basics of interest rate and foreign currency risk from the view of a bank relationship manager, rather than a derivatives specialist. The course is not designed as a substitute for the expertise of the bank’s strategic partners in the derivatives arena, but rather enhances the participant’s ability to converse with these internal professionals and with bank clients and prospects.

After completing this training, participants should be able to:

  • Describe key features of common interest rate risk and foreign currency risk products 
  • Determine appropriate products given various client needs
  • Compare and contrast risks and benefits associated with the products
Target Audience Any credit analyst, underwriter, relationship manager.  Participants should be competent in basic credit underwriting and financial statement analysis.
Duration 1 day

  • Mindset of CEO
Mindset of CEO
Course Overview This course covers the fundamentals of corporate finance, opportunity identification, and the application of corporate finance concepts to value creation strategies for bank clients, particularly in the area of capital structuring and corporate restructuring and transition of company ownership.  

The training provides participants with an understanding of the key principles which underlie corporate value creating strategies, sources of capital and capital structure. In addition, the session will examine how these principles can be applied to bank clients.

Target Audience Experienced credit analyst, underwriter, or relationship manager.  Participants should a foundation in in valuation techniques, net present value, and internal rates of return.
Duration 2 days


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Paragon Hill

Paragon Hill. specializes in the development, design and instruction of training programs for lending professionals at domestic and international banks.